Get More for Less
The idea for this assignment is to have some fun. This is a competition The top 3 students will get extra credit points and doing this assignment May help you at home or with a job. In this assignment you will use either Gedit, Textedit, Notepad or wordpad to create a simple text document and send it to me via email as an attachment. In the attachment you will:
  1. Research a Computer Purchase I want you to find the most powerful computer you can find for the cheapest price you can find. So there is a element of chance to this. If you go too cheap someone can out perform you, and if you go too high performance someone can under cut your price. We will look at the results in class. You should consider...
  2. The Processor(s)
  3. The Memory
  4. The Video system
  5. Since we have not covered Software yet you do not have to include it but your price should include an Operating System and you should state what Operating System it is.
Send your email with 'CNIT 100 - More for Less Assignment ' as the subject. Also in the body of the email include your full name as it appears on the class roster
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