Final Lab Assignment
This is your final project for the class. It is worth 4 lab scores and it also
has the potential for extra credit. You will complete the website you have
been working on during my class. It should have a theme and the pages should
flow in a fashion that makes sense with your theme (not assignment 1,
assignment 2, etc). You will present live and turn in a copy prior to your
presentation (before class).
Final Project --
Your live project should last 10 minutes (part of your grade is how close you
come to 10 minutes - 9-11 minutes full credit). Keep the following in mind
while you create your presentation:
- I am grading you on how much of what we learned and you address
- Your classmates will participate in the grading
- Your presentation is not just limited to how you coded the site
- Your presentation should include a walk-through of the site
Email me with a subject "Final Lab" and include your Name and your URL in the
body of the email