Assignment Eleven
In order to keep track of a user visiting your website (ar a webpage) or to count the
number of times a user has visited as well as a variety of other elements of useful
information that can be used to help a user while visiting your site, you will need to
understand cookies. Set up a cookie system for one of your web pages per the following
Your cookie should store at least 1 piece of usable data. This is a minimum
however, I will be more impressed if you store more than 1 element of information,
so impressed that I will give extra credit.
You should use one of the examples in the book on page 235 to implement a what's
new system for your website OR Page 228 and implement a visit counter for your
For this assignment if you select the visit counter, display the visit on the page
so I can play with it and verify it works. You should also display any other information
you collected if you want extra credit.
Email me with a subject "Lab 11" and include your Name and URL in the
body of the email
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