Final Project
This is your final project -- it is worth 4 lab scores. I want you to design a game
for me that goes with your website. I am intentionally being vague here to allow
you the most latitude in what you create. In general, your game should incorporate
at least 4 elements that we have learned in class.
You get to choose the type of game or user time absorber for your page. Examples
might be: a card game, a dice game, a logic puzzle or even a regular puzzle. Your
game CANNOT be Bingo. A few things your game might include are:
Graphics - A text only game is so boring
User Configuration - The user should be able to change something about the game
Dynamic Generation - Create a new version of the game in a pop-up window
Reset Functionality - Reset for a new game
Email me with the subject "Final Project" and include your mame and URL in the
body of the email
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