Assignment Three -- Buttons and Functions

Continue enhancing your CNIT 132 website (from this point on I will just call it "your
In this assignment you will come up with a meaningful way to
add some buttons to your website. I would suggest you start by implementing Example
9 from the file downloads as is. Make sure it works, then modify it to meet the
criteria below:
Rename it -- Part of the challenge of programming is knowing what you can
rename and what you can't. Add your initials_(nc_) to the beginning of any
name that is made up by the programmer (you)
For example, the function names in this assignment
Use a minimum of 3 buttons -- you can use more. Clever usage gains extra points
Use at least 1 "If" statement or 1 "Switch/Case" statement -- you can use both,
which is worth extra credit
Use a linked .js file in your implementation. If you would like more extra
credit, you can implement a 2nd set of buttons as an embedded JavaScript
application (inside the script tags, not in an external file)
Email me with a subject "CNIT 133 Lab 3" and include your Name and URL in the
body of the email
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