Assignment Five -- Cycling Banners
Now that you have a reason for people to hang around on your website, we need to have a way to get paid for the people you have visiting. In this assignment you will use the game you created in the last lab and add cycling advertisements to it.
  • Implement one -- of the cycling banners code from this chapter on your game page. Implementing the one that has clickable images is worth more than the one that just has images.
    Implement the code exactly the way it is in the book and make sure it works !BEFORE! you go any further. I will prioritize anyone who skips this step below the rest of the class when I help fix any problems.
  • Rename it -- Part of the challenge of programming is knowing what you can rename and what you cannot. Add your initials_ (nc_) to the beginning of any name that is made up by the programmer (you). For example the function names in this assignment.
  • Use Comments -- The easiest version of this lab is to implement the code the way it is in the book, so the only way I will know if you understand it is if you comment the code and explain it to me. If you have fewer than 20 comments, you do not have enough. Use block comments for long explanations.
  • Extra Credit -- Do not attempt this until you have finished the previous steps, and even then save a copy of the previous steps in case you run into trouble on this. Alter the code to do something different. For example:
    • Change the number of pictures/websites the banners go to
    • Customize the pictures / websites to your website (partners, vendors, related stuff)
    • Change the amount of time each picture stays on the screen
    • To do this assignment you will have to play with object positioning in the .css file but be creative and it is worth extra points.
Email me with a subject "CNIT 133 Lab 5" and include your Name and URL in the body of the email
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