Assignment Seven -- Form Validation
This assignment is all about getting the right information from users who visit your
website. On page 151 of the book there is a user input form for a web page. You can
use this form as the basis for creating a form for your website or you can create a
completly new one. Be sure your form includes the items listed below:
You should have a location field (like a zip code) and you should validate that
field to make sure it is a proper zip code format
You should have an email field and your code should perform the email validation
shown in the book to validate this field
You should have a dependent field which can only be selected if another field is
selected. Your validation should support this dependency
You should have multiple required fields. Required fields should check for blank
input at the very least
Email me with a subject "Lab 7" and include your Name and URL in the body of the email
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