Assignment One (Welcome to CIS 120)
We will start with what should be a easy assignment. Take a look at your class computer. Record as much as you can about it.
(Note: Ask the instructor if you do not know how to find something)
  1. What kind of computer is it?
  2. How much memory does it have?
  3. What kind of CPU and what speed is it?
  4. Are there Storage Devices, if so what are they?
  5. How do you connect to the internet? What do you know about it?
Show your data to the instructor to make sure you have enough.
Now use the Internet to research the computer parts that are a part of your class computer. Make an electronic copy of what you find -- it may come in handy later in the class.
For example, in the memory lab you will need to know how much memory your motherboard can handle.
Submit Your Findings --
Create a document which includes all of your answers to the above questions. Submit both the document you created as well as the electronic copy of the research you did on your class computer parts as attachments to an email. (Please don't copy and paste anything into the body of the email.)

You can use Microsoft Word, Open Office Write or the LibreOffice Word Processor to do this assignment. (Both Open Office and LibreOffice are free).
If you are using a Mac, please make sure to convert your documents to a format I can read -- .rtf works the best
Label your email with 'CIS 120 - Lab 1 ' as the subject. Don't forget to include your name in the body of the email.
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