Assignment Ten - Install 2 Virtual OS in Netlab using VMware
This assignment is the installation of a Virtual Operating System on a host computer using software called VMware. For this lab we will be working with the regional network resources lab called "Netlab" -- which, by the way, is done using Virtual Computers
You will remotely log into Netlab, verify your account is set up correctly. This will include resetting your password to a new 7+ character sequence. Note: Part of the point of this lab is to get you into Netlab so you know how to get here for future classes.

Once in Netlab you will schedule a time for the use of one of the Pods. At this point there should be only 7 classes available to you (for Free) in Netlab. I will only have you complete 3 of the modules in this assignment, however, I have made content for several other classes available to you for the duration of the class.

I will do the introduction assignment from the "VMware VCA DCV 6" class in lecture so you will get an idea of what to do. You will complete assignments 1, 2 and 4 from the "VMware vSphere ICM 6" class. Each class averages about 1 hour, but you can reserve up to 2 hours to do them if you like.

The way I know you have completed the assignment is as follows:
  • While in Netlab read the instructions
  • Near the completion of the assignment you will be asked to cut and paste either text or a screen shot for verification
  • Keep a copy of this on your computer as backup
  • You have a place in Netlab where you can save files
If everything goes as planned, you can email me the proof indicated in the assignment. Also, just as a side note, the Netlab system records your login, time in the system and some activity, so if you copy someone elses proof and turn it in, that will not work.
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