Assignment Five - Storage Reconfiguration
This time around we are going to focus on internal storage.
We would like to be able to configure and use additional storage space for your computer.

Turn on your computer to verify it is in a working state. (Always do this first!)

Use your research computer to determine what the possible storage options are for your motherboard. Can you install as many drives as you like (hint: consider where you get power from), can you install any type of storage devices?
Since your computer is already in a working storage configuration you really only have to come up with one additional configuration.

Record the:
  • starting configuration
  • storage devices in use
  • number of devices in use
  • which slot each device came from
  • what cables were connected to it
Now use the information from the research you did on storage devices for your computer and upgrade or downgrade your storage configuration to a 2nd working configuration. Try to upgrade and I will attempt to get some extra drives, but a lower drive configuration will work for this assignment.

Record the:
  • new configuration
  • storage devices in use
  • number of devices in use
  • which slot each device came from
  • what cables were connected to it
Reassemble your computer. Turn it on and make sure it works.
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