JavaScript Cookies
(User entered data that is stored on the user's system - emulates CGI scripts.)

What is your name ??

How old are you ??

What city do you live in ??

What do you do for a living ??

Have the user list link or two for you !!

Add a Link: Site Name:

Add a Link: Site Name:

Add a Link: Site Name:

Add a Link: Site Name:

Please Select a background color:
Lavender Mint Cream
Pink Azure

Please Select a link color:
Purple Dark Green
Maroon Dark Blue

This is good if you are selling a product. . .

Please Select a product:
Bath Brush - $10.00
Ticket to a movie - $11.00
Antique Lamp - $12.00
Picasso Painting - $15.00
Cabin Rental per night - $17.00

Please Select your tax rate:

Click to see cookie
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