Create a Modular Resume Using Building Blocks
You have been looking for a job and your results are marginal. You have
noticed that when you only include the experience on your resume that matches
what the job requirements are that you get a higher percentage of call
backs. You have decided to create 3 resumes each highlighting a specific
skill you have so your resumes are more tailored to the job listing.
You remember from your Word Processing class that Microsoft Word will
allow you to create Building Blocks and then use them to construct a
document. You have decided to use this approach in creating a set of
new custom resumes.
Convert your resume from your earlier assignment into Blocks:
Divide each entry from your earlier resume assignment into
parts. You can divide by Company or by Accomplishment
it is up to you. However, by Accomplishment will work
best if you want to use this for real .
Place each of the parts from the last step into Word Building
Blocks. You can use the Quick Parts, Auto Text or Building
Block Organizer it is up to you.
Create 3 custom resumes using your Building Blocks:
Select 3 themes from your resume material, For example: (good
with people, computer expert, always finishes projects on time,
great idea person, assists other workers, superior writing
skills, great with numbers, etc ....)
If necessary add Building Blocks so you have at least 5 examples
of 3 of your most important themes.
Create 3 versions of your resume each designed around one theme
point. These resumes do not have to be a full page but they should
make use of your Building Blocks.
Take a screen shot of your Building Block Organizer with your
Building Blocks visable. Save this screen shot to a Word document.
Theme Examples for the Imagination Challenged :-)
Good With People: Lead a Team of Analysts to complete a requirements
Project ahead of Schedule.
Good With People: Set up a reporting template that upper management
called exceptional.
Good With People: Tutored 60 percent of our development team so they
were able to get their Excel Certification.
Good With Computers: Tutored 60 percent of our development team so they
were able to get their Excel Certification.(Yep it works here too)
Good With Computers: Handled 16 level 1 computer service requests for
my department resulting in higher productivity.
Good With Computers: Recommended software for new computer systems, which
resulted in shorter learning curves for the department.
Submit 4 files as attachments in an email (Your 3 resumes and the
screenshot -- To do the screenshot, select Insert, Quick Parts, select Building
Block Organizer. Press "C" to get to the Custom1 Gallery.
Make sure your resume stuff is showing before you take a screenshot.
Then hold down the Alt key and press the "Print Screen" button to take your screenshot).
Use "Lab Assignment 11 " for the Subject line and
remember to identify yourself by name and class in the email body.
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