Take the text and format I have below and place it in a word document.
Your basic format will be an introduction at the top of the page in a
1 column wide section that uses the full width of the page. A center
section of the document that has 2 columns that take up the width of
the page where one contains text and the other has room for a graph
and the last section of the page where you will insert a dynamically
linked excel spreadsheet.
Your text will look like the image but here is the content:
In the Header --
Klingon High Council
Directive 004-35
New Directive on First Contact
The following directive is the Klingon high council instructions on
how to approach new civilizations in previously uncharted areas of
space. All commanders are expected to adhere to this directive or
face the consequences.
Our scientist have compiled a database of long term results based
on the initial contact with a new species. In the chart and
accompanying data shown below you can see that we have a better
chance of retaining the civilizations infrastructure during conquest
if we apply certain approaches.
The customary land and destroy the tactical communications approach
has lead to extensive loss of the infrastructure of the area being
annexed. We have discovered that the degree in which we use social
engineering to convert the society to the Klingon way of thinking
is critical in the ability to turn the area into a working military
installation for future missions. As the data and chart show, it is
in our best interest to use this methodology.
Space for a graph
Space for an external Excel Table
Since this is not an Excel class, I have created a simple Excel file for
you to use. You can download it
Make sure both your word document and this spreadsheet are in the same
folder. Once they are follow these instructions:
Select the bottom section of your document and insert an Excel
worksheet from a file. When you are asked to browse for a file
find and select the file you just downloaded.
Crop and reposition the spreadsheet insert if necessary to look
similar to the image to the left. All the columns should be
visible (4 columns).
Open the Excel workbook, open the second tab (spreadsheet), select
the graph and copy it to the clipboard.
Select the right side of the center section of your document and
paste the graph on the clipboard. Adjust it to look similar to
the image to the left.
Lets do some foreign font work
Locate the Klingon Font set (hint: look at my links page) and load it
on your computer. Once loaded, convert your entire document to Klingon.
I am using Klingon here because it is not a native font and I wanted
the assignment to be fun. If you really do not want to use Klingon
I will allow you to use another non-native font. One that is not on
your computer when you start this project.
Here are the steps:
Download you new font, and if necessary unzip it
Copy your new font to C:/Windows/Fonts (I may need to verify this
location if you are on Windows 8)
Restart Word, Select your text, and apply your new Font