BUS 112
Financial Accounting

Student Learning Outcome
grape vine

This set of Student Learning Outcomes (referred to as SLOs from here on) is way too extensive to put on my syllabus. In addition, it is worded so poorly that it is hard to determine what some of the SLOs mean. Therefore, I have created this page to: first, translate the SLOs into meaningful sentences and then, summarize them for my syllabus. I will attach this document to my syllabus so you have a record of the link between the SLOs and my syllabus.

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Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1) Explain the nature and purpose of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Explain and apply the components of the conceptual framework for Financial Accounting and Reporting -- including the qualitative characteristics of accounting information, the assumptions underlying accounting, the basic principles of Financial Accounting, and the constraints and limitations on accounting information
1.a -- Show an understanding of (GAAP) Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
1.b -- Show an understanding of (IFRS) International Financial Reporting Standards
1.c -- Show an understanding of Double Entry Accounting and T-accounts

2) Define and use accounting and business terminology
2.a -- Show an understanding of Financial Accounting Terminology

3) Explain what a system is and how an accounting system is designed to satisfy the needs of specific businesses and users; summarize the purpose of Journals and Ledgers
3.a -- Show an understanding of popular business accounting systems
3.b -- Show an understanding of Journals and Ledgers and how they are used in Financial Accounting

4) Apply transaction analysis, input transactions into the accounting system, process this input and prepare and interpret the four basic financial statements
4.a -- Exhibit the ability to input transactions into the accounting system
4.b -- Exhibit the ability to adjust and close the books
4.c -- Exhibit the ability to prepare, modify and analyze the key Financial Statements

5) Distinguish between cash basis and accrual basis accounting and their impact on the financial statements, including the revenue recognition and matching principles
5.a -- Show an understanding of the difference between cash and accrual basis accounting
5.b -- Show an understanding of the Revenue Recognition Principal
5.c -- Show an understanding of the Matching Principal

6) Identify and illustrate how the principles of internal control are used to manage and control the firm's resources and minimize risk
6.a -- Show an understanding of Financial Accounting Internal Controls

7) Explain the content, form, and purpose of the basic financial statements (including footnotes) and the annual report, and how they satisfy the information needs of investors, creditors, and other users
7.a -- Exhibit the ability to prepare, modify and analyze the key Financial Statements (copy of 4.c)
7.b -- Show an understanding of the annual report and how it is used
7.c -- Show an understanding of the people who use the Financial Reports to make business decisions

8) Explain the nature of current assets and related issues, including the measurement and reporting of cash and cash equivalents, receivables and bad debts, and inventory and cost of goods sold
8.a -- Exhibit the ability to identify and account for Assets, Liabilities and Owner's Equity
8.b -- Exhibit the ability to identify and account for current assets and current liabilities
8.c -- Exhibit the ability to identify and account for Inventory and Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
8.d -- Exhibit the ability to identify and account for bad debts

9) Explain the valuation and reporting of current liabilities, estimated liabilities, and other contingencies
I have no idea of the actual meaning of this so I cannot map it to anything. For now we will say it is a duplicate of 8.b

10) Identify and illustrate issues relating to long-term asset acquisition, use, cost allocation and disposal
10.a -- Exhibit the ability to identify and account for long-term assets
10.b -- Exhibit the ability to Depreciate long-term assets

11) Distinguish between capital and revenue expenditures
11.a -- Show an understanding of the difference between capital outlays and revenue expenses

12) Identify and illustrate issues relating to long-term liabilities including issuance, valuation and retirement of debt (including the time value of money)
12.a -- Same as 10.a
12.b -- Show an understanding of the time value of money

13) Identify and illustrate issues relating to stockholders equity including: issuance, repurchase of capital stock, and dividends
13.a -- Exhibit the ability to identify and account for ownership rights in a company
13.b -- Exhibit the ability to identify and account for stocks – purchased and sold
13.c -- Exhibit the ability to identify and account for bonds – purchased and sold
13.d -- Exhibit the ability to identify and account for dividends

14) Explain the importance of operating, investing and financing activities reported in the Statement of Cash Flows
14.a -- Exhibit the ability to identify and account for operating activities in the Financial Statements
14.b -- Exhibit the ability to identify and account for investing activities in the Financial Statements
14.c -- Exhibit the ability to identify and account for financing activities in the Financial Statements

15) Interpret company activity, profitability, liquidity and solvency through selection and application of appropriate financial analysis tools; and
15.a -- Exhibit the ability to analyze company health using the Financial Statements
15.b -- Exhibit the ability to create and use Financial Ratios in the evaluation of a company’s worth

16) Identify the ethical implications inherent in financial reporting and be able to apply strategies for addressing them
16.a -- Show an understanding of the ethical issues inherent in the accounting profession

17) Other topics that should be included at this level of specificity but were not mentioned
17.a -- Show an understanding of T-Accounts, Debits and Credits
17.b -- Show an understanding of Intangible Assets
17.c -- Show a basic understanding of the Payroll Process
17.d -- Show a basic understanding of Inventory Valuation Techniques
17.e -- Show a basic understanding of business Tax Liabilities

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