Assignment 7 -- Summary Queries, Subqueries and CTE
Summary Queries and Your Database
I have covered a number of summary functions that created aggregate data results. I want you to come up with 3 summary queries that operate on the database you created for your company.

I do not care which ones you use, but they should not be trivial -- in other words, I want you to spend enough time to come up with useful queries. You can use the internet for query ideas.

Hybrid Class Assignment -- The Subquery and CTE
In the class we talked about how to do subqueries and CTE's. I want you to create one of each for your company database.

Once again, I do not want a trivial query. Use internet resources (or the book) to give you ideas -- for example:
CTE Tutorial

Assignment Submission Criteria
To turn in this assignment you will go to the NSC Canvas shell for this class and submit the following:
  1. Your .sql script file(s)
  2. Screenshots of your output (working without errors)