salestransaction |
stxid |
int(5) |
PK |
Not Null |
productid |
int(5) |
FK |
Not Null |
customerid |
int(5) |
FK |
Not Null |
employeeid |
int(5) |
FK |
Null |
saledate |
date |
Not Null |
saleamount |
dec() |
Not Null |
product |
prdid |
int(5) |
PK |
Not Null |
prdname |
vc() |
Not Null |
prddesc |
vc() |
Null |
prdinventory |
int(5) |
Null |
prcost |
dec() |
Null |
This is great we can now sell something – but this is only half the story, we have to be able to purchase supplies
We have shifted our display to the left, Customer and Employee are still there just off the screen to the right
purchasetransaction |
purchid |
int(5) |
PK |
Not Null |
partid |
int(5) |
FK |
Not Null |
invoicenbr |
int(5) |
Null |
vendorid |
int(5) |
FK |
Null |
employeeid |
int(5) |
FK |
Null |
purchdate |
date |
Not Null |
purchamt |
dec() |
Not Null |
If you purchase items for resale as is, then you can make this relationship connection
But it is more likely you assemble parts to create a new product, so you will have something like this