Assignment Two -- Command Line Basics
The objective of this assignment is for you to prove to me that you know enough about the Linux command line to go from newbie to novice user. This week we went over a number of key Linux terminal commands, while these are not the only commands you will need to know they are among the most important. But I need to see that the information went through your brain.
  • Create a 1 to 2 page Linux command reference that includes all the commands that we reviewed. In addition, do a little research and add at least 5 additional commands that you think are important. Each command should have a short 1 line definition. (You can create a 2nd copy with longer definitions for your own use -- it is a good idea but not required for this assignment).
  • Since I do not want something off the internet or multiple copies from 1 enterprising student providing homework to others, EACH definition should incorporate your initials in a unique way (not like any other student in the class).

    For example my initials are NTC:

    cd - ReturNs the prompT to the home direCtory

  • Once you have completed the document save it in a format that is easy for me to review and grade (I use LibreOffice and since you are learning Linux, I want you to complete the assignment using LibreOffice Writer or LibreOffice Calc).

Assignment Submission Criteria

To turn in this assignment you will go to the NSC Canvas shell for this class. Submit your LibreOffice file using the submission button on the assignment page.