Your Data Analytics on the User Profiles database would be inefficient if you did not devise a coding scheme for keeping track of the data elements you are working with.
Create lookup tables per one of the acceptable methods discussed in class for the following areas at a minimum:
F, M, I, TF, TM, B
You can add more profile metrics to your database as well. Just ask yourself "What type of information can I use to sway the opinion of another person?". An example -- Sports Teams
Updates to your User Profile database will be transaction based. You will receive data feeds from different Social Media platforms and attempt to merge them with the Users for which you already maintain a profile as well as create new profiles for users you do not have data on yet
Some of the data streams will be reliable and some may not be. The only way to zero in on what is allowing your profiles to converge (as opposed to diverge) is your ability to track changes made by each transaction in your database
It may not be practical to track every change in every transaction (but if you find a way I will consider it), so define what a transaction is for your database, add the transaction table(s) to your ERD
Now using your design, add a means to support logging the transactions, so if a problem were to be found with the data it can be traced back to the transaction that caused it. At this point you should be thinking “I am going to have to be date tagging the transactions”
The whole point of this process (using data analytics to track user preference profiles) is to use that information to motivate a person to act in a different way. You will not be doing any of the marketing component in this class, but you should assume another development team is performing this function
The "cherry on top" for this process is a feedback loop. In other words, if you are successful in getting a person to change their mind about something, will your profile catch the change and notify you that you have been successful
For extra credit, add "opinion change transaction detection" to your database schema
To turn in this assignment you will go to the NSC Canvas shell for this class. Submit the following: