Assignment 1
In this class you will not turn anything in on paper. The entire class
will involve assignments turned in electronically. If you need help with
this you need to see me in one of the first 2 labs.
For most of the assignments you will need to do the following:
Complete a QuickBooks Restore from backup on your flash drive to
load your prior work into the workstation you are working on.
(You will not have to do this if: This is your first assignment
or if you do all your work on the same home computer)
Complete each task in the assignment. Each should result in some
type of output -- usually a .pdf, an Excel spreadsheet or, in a few
cases, a text document.
Place all of the output for your assignment into a single folder on
your computer with nothing else in that folder.
Zip the contents of the folder into a single file and call that file -- where the X is the number of the assignment you are
turning in. (You need to use the compression feature in Windows or
a tool like Stuffit for the Mac.)
E-mail me with your assignment as an attachment. Indicate which
assignment you are turning in on the subject line with the words:
Assignment X attached -- where X is the number of the
assignment you are turning in. I want you to use the subject line
as shown so your email client will remind you if you forgot to do
the attachment or have done it incorrectly.
Perform a QuickBooks backup to your flash drive.
If you are working at home - install QuickBooks from the disk
in your book
If you plan to do all of your work in the SRJC lab(s), you can skip
this step, however, familairize yourself with which labs have the
QuickBooks software available for you to use.