Go to the Python website at www.python.org
Click on the "Downloads" button found on the front page of the website
Select the button "Download Python 3.4.0" (Note: the computer you are on should have
selected the right version for your platform PC/Mac/Linux. If not, scroll down to select the
correct version)
When you have currectly initiated the download, you should have a box that looks like the following:
Click the "Save File" button.
Once the file is downloaded it should be in the download area of your browser. On Firefox click the
down arrow at the upper right corner of the browser window or select "tools" and then "Downloads"
from the menu bar. Click on the download.
If you clicked on the download it should launch with the following window:
Select the "Run" button.
You will now see a series of screens with the Python logo. Click the "Next" button on each screen
until you see a "Finish" button. This will accept the default installation.
When you see the screen to the right, you have successfully installed Python on your computer. Click the
"Finish" button to complete the installation.
You are now ready to launch the Python Interpreter. Go into "All Programs" and select the "IDLE
Python GUI" application.
The Python GUI is shown to the right:
Once you have reached this point, type the following code into the Python interface:
print("Hello World")
You have now proved that you have a running version of Python on your computer. Let's make sure your computer
is properly associating Python programs.
Open Notepad –– On Windows 7 and before, Notepad is in the "Accessories" folder. In Windows 8, just search
for Notepad. (Note: If you are on a Mac, use TextEdit)
Type the same line of program code into Notepad:
print("Hello World")
Add the following line of code on the next line as shown:
input(" ")
Save the file using the file name "HelloWorld.py" on the desktop
Run the file by clicking on it
If you have received the window to the right, you have successfully installed Python on your computer.