The 2006 New Years Flood

This was our first flood season living in Guerneville. We moved our motorhome to High ground during the flood but we came back twice to see what it was like. Both times we were in Guerneville during the flood the water level was around 38-39 feet, the high water mark of the flood was 42 feet.

Main Street

Main Street

Mill Street

Brookside Lane

Armstrong Woods Rd.

Fourth Street
Guerneville Area

Duncans Mills

Ducans Mills


Not Effected

Duncans Mills Bridge

Monte Rio Beach
Down River

Duncans Mills

From Hwy 116

From Hwy 116

From Hwy 116

Duncans Mills

Casini Ranch
Up River

Sebastopol Hwy 12

Sebastopol Hwy 12

Sebastopol Hwy 12

Sebastopol Hwy 12

Sebastopol Occidental Rd.

Sebastopol Occidental Rd.
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