If someone comes to you and tells you the best way to pay off your $100,000 in credit card debt is to get another card and max it out with a cash advance to make the minimum payments on your existing cards, would you believe them? Well then how can you believe someone that tries to sell you a tax cut when the National debt is being measured in the Trillions? Yes, taxes are not the greatest part of being part of a civilization, however, if the taxes are used to effectively provide you with services you need then they are not bad. What is bad is when a gaggle of capitalist (most likely Republican) attempt to use your conditioned reflex towards taxes to grant themselves a big tax break while leaving you with a net Zero benefit or worse.
I am in favor of maintaining a budget that does not use a National Debt to make it balance. I think we should actually have a National Savings program with the budget surplus to help guarantee things like Social Security and Health Care. I also believe in the current method of using interest rates to control inflation and recession and the manner in which Alan Greenspan has managed it over the last 2 decades.