The Project For A Nazi American Coalition (PNAC) | |
We Must Remember what happened during the Bush Administration and keep it from happening again. We came very close to having all of our rights eliminated. This was partially due to the apathy I know many of us have for the current political environment. But at the core of this problem is the Republican view that Capitalism can do no evil and that any act, no matter how unethical can be justified if it results in the Capitalistic orgasm know as Profit. How did we come close to loosing our right to vote? How did we end up conducting a First Strike against another sovereign nation? Why are our social Programs evaporating? Is this our America? What Happened? |
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What happened was not an accident it was an intentional plan by a group of people called the Neo-cons. While the adverse effects of their policy on our country dates back some time, the best place to start to see why we are in the quagmire we currently find ourselves in is the Statement of Principles for a group called "Project for the New American Century". The first thing you should notice is what names are on this document and what names are missing. Both Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld are part of the architects of this plan. While Dubya is not on the list his brother Jeb (The one who is Governor of the State where the first voting discrepancies occurred) is. Why Dubya is not on the list is open for interpretation. Some like myself believe the idea of using Dubya as a President happened late one night after Cheney watched "The Distinguished Gentelman" (the movie starring Edie Murphy) on TV. This helps explain how a C student with a drinking problem who's only asset seems to be name recognition became President of the United States. |
The next Item to look at is what this document says. The first paragraph explains that they are not part of the two Established American political parties. They distance themselves from both liberals and conservatives. There is nothing wrong with having other parties, what is insidious about what they are doing is the way they are possessing the Republican party like a virus. The Possession of the old Republican party is allowing them to use the Republican's people control mechanisms to their benefit. Now take a look at the third paragraph, and the phrase: "and inconstant leadership are making it increasingly difficult to sustain American influence around the world". How might a group deal with "Inconstant Leadership" in a country where the people choose their leadership? That would be a bit difficult unless you had some way to control the vote. That's odd someone does seem to have control of the vote. No mater how unpopular the candidate, they still win the election and the objective "Consistant Leadership" is achieved.
The next thing to notice about this document is that this organization is not supporting global leadership like that provided by the United Nations. Quite the contrary this group of people are looking to spread American influence and control across the planet. And how do they plan to do this? By peaceful means? No, look the emphasis on Military strength. This gang intends to use military force to dominate the rest of the world! Take a look at their Military Plan. Although it is called "Rebuilding America's Defense" It is a plan for sustained multiple theater warfare! This is not a "defense" plan it is an "Offensive" plan.
Throughout this documentation there is a clear sense that the Neo-cons feel they are entitled to key world resources because "they" represent the most technologically advanced country in the world (that would be our country) and will do whatever is necessary to get these resources. Right now the US military is deployed over 3/4ths of the world oil. The cover story given to the American people about how we got there is so full of holes that anyone who researches even a part of it comes away knowing it is a cover story.