Nicole Cook | CNIT 133 -- Section 36583 | Office: ???? - |
Spring 2019 | Course Syllabus |
Please see my schedule here: Nicole's Class/Office Schedule |
email: | Thursday 6:10 pm - 9:00 pm | Phone: Please use email |
CNIT 133 3.0 Units - Interactive Web Pages Using JavaScript | |||||
Creation of interactive web pages using JavaScript, including properties,
methods, objects, and event handlers of the Document Object Model (DOM)
Creation of interactive web pages using jQuery and AJAX techniques You will use computers to complete assignments for this class |
Section | Lecture Time & Location | Office Hours Time & Location | Lab Time & Location | ||
sect# 36583 N Cook |
Thurs 6:10pm-9:00pm, Room SCIE 008 | See My Schedule | SCIE 008 |
Day | Topic | Reading Assignment |
Online Quiz
Each quiz will be available for 2 weeks only and then unavailable after that time !! **See Info Below** |
Lab Assignment | |
Week 1
(Jan 14-18) |
Programming Basics | Chapter 1 |
Week 1 Quiz ends 2/7 |
Lab 1
Topic selection |
Week 2
(Jan 21-25) |
Planning Psuedocode and flowcharts | Chapter 2 |
Week 2 Quiz ends 4/1 |
Lab 2
Get Website running |
Week 3
(Jan 28 - Feb 1) |
Creating a Web Application | Chapter 3 |
Week 3 Quiz ends 4/1 |
Lab 3
Buttons and Functions |
Week 4
(Feb 4-8) |
Working With Web Applications | Chapter 4 |
Week 4 Quiz ends 4/1 |
Lab 4
Basic Bingo |
No Class |
Week 6
(Feb 18-22) |
Windows and Frames | Chapter 5 |
Week 5 Quiz ends 4/1 |
Lab 5
Cycling Banners |
Week 7
(Feb 25 - Mar 1) |
Form Handling | Chapter 6 |
Week 6 Quiz ends 4/1 |
Lab 6
Form Validation |
Week 8
(Mar 4-8) |
Graphics Manipulation | Chapter 7 |
Week 7 Quiz ends 4/1 |
Lab 7
Graphics Manipulation |
Week 9
(Mar 11-15) |
Review and Midterm | Chapters 1-7 | Midterm | None | |
Week 10
(Mar 18-22) |
Regular Expressions | Chapter 8 |
Week 10 Quiz ends 4/15 |
Lab 9
Regular Expressions Lab |
Week 11
(Apr 1-5) |
Javascript and Cookies | Chapter 9 |
Week 11 Quiz ends 4/15 |
Lab 10
Event Handler Lab |
Week 12
(Apr 8-12) |
Objects and the DOM | Chapter 10 |
Week 12 Quiz ends 4/25 |
Lab 11
Cookie Lab |
Week 13
(Apr 15-19) |
Making Your Pages Dynamic | Chapter 11 | No Quizzes to allow more time for project |
Lab 12
Week 14
(Apr 22-26) |
Applied Javascript | Chapter 12 |
Final Project
Final Project |
Week 15
(Apr 29 - May 3) |
Introducing AJAX | Chapter 13 | |||
Week 16
(May 6-10) |
Toolkits, Frameworks and Libraries | Chapter 14 - 16 | |||
Week 17
(May 6-10) |
Class Presentations | No New Reading | |||
5:00 pm on Friday, May 10th is the deadline for submitting all
homework and chapter online quizzes
No other late submissions will be accepted! |
May 16th | Final Exam | Thursday, May 16th -- room SCIE 008 -- 6:10pm - 9:00pm | |||
You may bring electronic copies of any acronym lists or notes you have created.
You can bring bring them on any device -- phone, iPad, computer or thumbdrive to use
on a class computer. NO HANDWRITTEN COPIES !!
![]() |
TEXTBOOK - Visual Quickstart Guide Javascript
9th Edition -- By Tom Negrino, Dori Smith ISBN-13: 978-0-321-99670-1 This book should not be expensive so don't pay over $50. I selected an inexpensive book so you have money to purchase web hosting -- again not expensive. Check around. Several web hosting companies will have an introductory offer (Make sure they offer FTP access. If they don't, you need to find one that does). GoDaddy is one web hosting service that offers FTP access. |
Online Chapter Quizzes | 10 percent of your grade | 5 p.m. Friday, May 10th is the deadline for submitting all quizzes |
Lab Assignments | 70 percent of your grade | 5 p.m. Friday, May 10th is the deadline for submitting all labs |
Midterm Exam | 10 percent of your grade |
All students must take the Midterm & Final exam in person on campus. This is a closed book exam You may bring electronic copies of any acronym lists or notes you have created. You can bring bring them on any device -- phone, iPad, computer or thumbdrive to use on a class computer. NO HANDWRITTEN COPIES !! You cannot cut / copy and paste any of my lecture material to your notes |
Final Exam | 10 percent of your grade |
All students must take the Midterm & Final exam in person on campus. This is a closed book exam You may bring electronic copies of any acronym lists or notes you have created. You can bring bring them on any device -- phone, iPad, computer or thumbdrive to use on a class computer. NO HANDWRITTEN COPIES !! You cannot cut / copy and paste any of my lecture material to your notes |
The normal process for taking quizzes is like this:
My way for taking quizzes is like this:
I can either use the normal process of taking a quiz, or use
my way. If using my way, you will need to remember
to take the quizzes within the 2 week time frame. Quizzes CANNOT be re-activated so please DON'T EVEN ASK !! |
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