Assignment Six -- Pop Up Windows
In this lab we will stay with the advertising theme, but this time you will create a pop up window. I do not care what is in the pop up window, but a good example would be an ad trying to sell me something.
  • Implement one -- of the last pop up (iframe) code examples from this chapter on your site. You can create a new page for it or add it to one of your existing pages. However, I want you to control where the window apears!
  • Implement the code exactly the way it is in the book and make sure it works !BEFORE! you go any further. I will prioritize anyone who skips this step below the rest of the class when I help fix any problems.
  • Rename It -- Part of the challenge of programming is knowing what you can rename and what you cannot. Add your initials_ (nc_) to the beginning of any name that is made up by the programmer (you). For example the function names in this assignment.
  • Use Comments -- The easiest version of this lab is to implement the code the way it is in the book, so the only way I will know if you understand it is if you comment the code and explain it to me. If you have fewer than 20 comments, you do not have enough. Use block comments for long explanations.
Validating Your HTML Code -- Part 2 of your Lab