Hardware and Software
Config. and Troubleshooting

Cool and Useful Links

Webopedia: Online Dictionary for Computer and Internet Terms
Listed as "The only online dictionary and search engine you need for computer and Internet technology", this is a great link to bookmark and keep on hand when you are stuck on a computer term and need help.

Connections to the Internet

Task List Programs
This site explains what all those pesky task list programs are. The task list name, the program and manufacturer as well what it is and what you can do is listed. Includes task list programs in Win 95/98/ME as well as WinNT4/2000/XP/2003 Services. A really great tool !!

Virus Hoaxes
This is a good site to go to when you are unsure of a computer virus. This site lists all of the virus hoaxes being e-mailed around.

A+ Certification Resources

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