The Right to Choose - Population Growth

This issue has been completly refocused to distract us from the primary issue. The single most significant contributing factor to climatic change is the number of humans on the planet. We are now approaching a point where the number of humans on the planet may exceed the planets ability to support them in our lifetime. The issue should not be challenging the parent who has decided to end a pregnancy because of the uncertainty of the childs potential future, that parent should be rewarded. The issue is allowing the continuation of a pregnancy when society beleives that the future of the potential child is not certain. We need to face the fact that the number of available slots for future humans is finite and they should not be going to candidates that have the potential to become gang members, school shooters, mass murders or some other variant the human condition that detracts from to overall good of society.

So there are a number of sub issues that need to be addressed by this, I have listed them below in the order of their improtance to the overall topic.

Every child deserves the right to have a childhood that exists in a safe nurturing environment. They should have a home with a room for the child (or children). They should have access to education (outside of the home, I will discuss so called "Home Schooling" in another area), they should have the ability to socialize with other members of society, even those who may not agree with their parents views of the world.

Now having said this it is important to re-emphasize the more immediate issue with regards to bringing new life into the world. The earths population is expanding at an ever increasing rate. People are still being congratulated for having large families. This is in direct contradiction to the realities of the limited resources available on the planet.

It is essential that we recognise that the population cannot continue to grow unchecked.

There is an old Star Trek episode that shows a planet so over populated that there is no room for people to move in. That is not a realistic criteria for when the Earth runs out of room. Long before that happens, the number of humans will tax the environment to a point where the environment cannot support the population. For example we rely on trees to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen that we can breathe, but in addition to creating more and more people we are cutting down more and more forests.

We have reached the point where we should be pushing zero population growth i.e. Each adult can produce 1 child, each couple can have 2 children. Families that have more than 2 children should be taxed and fined for damaging the community.

Another option is space exploration to establish colonies on other planets, but we are a long way away from this being a reality and we really have not spent much money on it. In fact we have retreted from space exploration since the Shuttle Program ended.

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