Nicole T. Cook
Candidate for Elected Office in the United States of America
Nicole's Views on the Issues
Domestic Policy
      Health Care-         It is the responsibility of the Federal Government to guarantee adequate and complete Health Care to all of its citizens.
      Crime-         The success or failure of the criminal justice system is dependent on how closely the laws match the views and opinions of the populace. What is needed is more successful crime control through the elimination of meta-crimes.
      Education-         Federal programs that guarantees an equal K-12 education to ALL citizens and a college education to anyone who both wants one and takes the initiative to pursue one.
      Poverty-         It is time to address the Repugnant gap between the wealthy and the poor in this country and establish a " Wealth Cap "
      National Debt-    Responsible management of the Federal Budget which includes the elimination of the National Debt.
      Equal Rights To ALL Citizens- It is the responsibility of this Federal Government to insure that ALL citizens have the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
      Religion-       Freedom of Religion balanced with the Separation of Church and State. You have to choose between Religious Organization and Political Action.
The Right to Choose - Population Control- The issue of abortion and the right to choose is really a tangential issue to a more immediate concern with regards to bringing new life into the world.
      Military LGBT Policy-       Don't ask don't tell was a small step in the right direction, but it is time now to recognize all who serve in the Armed Forces honorably.
      The Space Program-       NASA is to space what the Air Force is to aviation. We need the commercial side of space transportation developed. But NASA does need to be funded too.
      Censorship-       Tired of every movie on Network TV sounding like a poorly dubbed Japanese Godzilla movie ? So am I. Censorship is bad, let's get rid of it.
      The Electoral College-       It is not the place of a small organization to elected the President of a country. Let the people elect their leaders by popular vote. Let's abolish the Electoral College
      Non-Partisan Elections-     The illusion of a non-partisan race results in the placement of a seed candidate for a higher partisan position. No election is truely non-partisan.
      Capitalism and Business-     The idea that Capitalism can do no wrong is a myth. Capitalism creates a different type of class system and penalizes those whose motivations are not focused solely on profit.For the Majority of the country the main objective of business is to provide jobs so people can contribute in a meaningfull way to society.
Foreign Policy
      The United Nations- We are one world of many nations and we need to act that way. The United States does not have the right to police the world.
      Immigration and Border Security-       We need to concentrate more on the Businesses that hire undocumented workers and less on the workers. Security, a separate issue needs to focus on the true threat.
      Foreign Aid-       I believe foreign aid should be coordinated through the United Nations, allowing all member nations to participate proportionately.
      Attempts at Controlling Drug Production Internationally-       The process of dealing with the detrimental effects of drug addiction on society becomes easier to manage. Since I would fight to make these legal imports they go through the normal channels just like any other commodity.
      The International Space Program-       I am in favor of participating in and being a significant part of the International Space Program. I believe this will help with commercial space development.
      International Covert Operations-       While I am in favor of operating as part of a unified world, I realize the need for good intelligence so we are prepared for adverse actions on the part of foreign countries or organizations BEFORE they happen, thus eliminating the need for alienating ourselves from the international community.
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