
Poverty is both a side effect of the capitalist system and the root cause of many if not all of our societies ills.

We have crime because we have poverty, without poverty the majority of crime would vanish. Poverty establishes a defacto class system becoming the defining point of the " Have Nots ". The United States has the know how and resources to eliminate poverty, not just in this country but on this continent (if not more). The only reason this is not done is due to the greed of the upper class.

To address this problem the CNRP proposes a cap on wealth. The legislation would basically state that no American or Foreign National living in the United States or any other Person making use of community Resources of the United States (i.e. anyone who lives in this country), will be allowed to hold assets that total greater than 300 times the full time annual earnings of a person who earns the minimum wage in the community where they live. The scale by which poverty is measured may be amended to more accurately represent the poor (for example if a large number of people in the community made less than minimum wage or could not get full time work).

For example a rich person in California where the current Minimum wage is $6.75 may only hold assets up to a value of $4,212,000.

Once a citizen reaches the wealth cap all additional income becomes a tax which is assessed to pay for programs to eliminate poverty in the community. These would include but not be limited to: Healthcare, Education, Housing, Food and other resources that people in poverty do not have access to.

Also notice that a community may raise their own wealth cap by raising the standard of living of the poorest people in their community. However, a community may not legislate a Privileged class onclave to get around the law. (i.e. Keeping all businesses with low paying jobs in a neighboring community).

There will also be a provision for stiff actions to those who try to circumvent the law. For example hiring people off the books and paying them below minimum wage or trying to hide assets in off shore accounts. In effect these provisions would entitle the US government to seize all but $2,000,000 of the offenders assets, regardless of the location of these assets.

We also believe that all people participating in community activities (working and/or living in) should be protected by these concepts. As such if foreign nationals are used to perform work in the United States, they will become a part of the mechinism which determines the poverty level and are entitled to the same protections as American Citizens.

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